Sunday, September 26, 2010

On Your Mark...Get Ready...Get Set...GO !!!!

If you are like most people this announcement makes you think you are at the races. Spectator or runner this gets your adrenaline pumping. It is exciting to cheer someone on to do their best. That is my goal here to cheer you on to do your best.

Every home must have a manager. Sometimes this happens by default, but someone must manage. If this task has fallen to you or if you have chosen it I want to encourage you in knowing that you have the most important role in life. You possess the skill to help each and every family member in your home have a positive “Launch” into the day.

In order for us to do our best we must be at our best. We need to launch from a platform that sets us up for accomplishment.

What is the “Mark”?  The “Mark” is your destination for each and every day. Where do you need to be? What do you need to do? How are you going to do it? Why does it need to be done?

What is “Get Ready”?  “Get Ready” simply means you must be prepared to hit your “Mark”. What tools do you need? How much time do you need? What training do you need? Will you need help?

What is “Get Set”? “Get Set” means to hold fast don’t get ahead of yourself. To have a solid “Launch” you must do so from a solid foundation of preparedness. Then hold steady, don’t jump the gun, listen, wait for it…….


I challenge you to remove you and your family from the high speed race track and place them gently in a foot race. Ask yourself the questions as I have asked them above.

Do you know your “Mark”? 

Are you willing to put the work in to “Get Ready”?

Will you choose to slow down and wait for the right timing so that can “Get Set”?

Before you blow the whistle or fire the fun or shout out the “Go” signal….make sure you have plan that helps you to “Launch” you and your family from a solid daily platform that sets you up for success.

If you fail to plan you have planned to fail.

You can do it….hang in there…practice makes perfect…don’t give up…the hardest things in life are hard work and well worth it.

We can not have a gourmet life on a drive thru investment.


  1. you're off to a great start! and i agree .. that last line is a kicker! think i'm gonna borrow it!

    debbie b

  2. Thanks Miz Debbie...I appreciate you stopping by. Borrow away :)

  3. This post made me think of the show The Dog Whisperer. Cesar Milan always talks about how when there isn't a set leader in the home, or alpha dog, the dog will assume that position because they KNOW there always needs to be a leader.

    I know I really need to get better at having my plan before my day launches!

  4. Audra, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to ask any questions that you like. Teaching is my passion and I love this topic.
