On this chilly winter day I am going to take a cake out of the jar take off the ring and lid and pop in the microwave for 10 seconds and slice this thing up with some butter or cream cheese settle down with a cup of coffee and mmmm, you have to try this. Great to have on hand for that drop in.
I love baking these little cakes in a jar. Actually you can adapt many cakes to this method. I like to bake these every year at Christmas time. I usually bake around 100 jars and give these to friends and family. They last up to a year sealed in the jars.
When I bake I like to get all the ingredients out so that it makes the mixing process faster. You can find these small bowls in many stores for a great price. I found these on sale at Pier One for .50 each.
It is important to follow the recipe. Many people like to skip this sifting method but it is vital to get the right texture for your baked goods if the recipe requires it.
Once you have your batter mixed up you add one cup of batter to a wide mouth pint jar.
Arrange directly on your oven rack and bake for 45 minutes @ 325 degrees
When you remove the jars from the oven
have your
lids and rings handy so that you
can put them on immediately.
Do not tighten the lids too tight.
Set them out on a flat surface where they can be left alone to seal.
When you hear a little tink and notice that the center of the lid now looks like a tiny dimple your jar has sealed and is ready to be decorated for a gift or put on your shelf for later.
This truly has become a tradition in our home and friends and family look forward to them each year.
It is so nice to just take one out of the pantry and mmmmm fresh baked cake.
Applesauce Cake in a Jar (makes 8 pints)
2/3 Cup solid shortening
2 & 2/3 Cups of Sugar
4 Eggs
2 Cups Applesauce
2/3 Cups water
3 & 1/3 Cups Flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 & 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Cloves
1 Cup finely chopped pecans
Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs, applesauce and water. Sift all dry ingredients. Add to mixture. Stir in nuts. Pour into wide-mouthed pint jars that have been sprayed with Pam. Fill 1/2 full (1cup of batter) A large pastry bag or Ziploc with a hole works great as well for putting the batter in with. Bake for 45 minutes at 325 degrees. Wipe sealing edges clean. when finished baking put on lids and rings iimmediately and screw down, not too tight just snug when they have sealed you can tighten. Jars will seal as cake cools. Store as you would any canned good. Best if eaten within 1 year.